



VCM Legal Disclaimer

This is the website of Vantage Capital Markets (Dubai) Limited (“VCM”) and its address is
VCM is a Private Limited Company registered in the United Arab Emirates (BP No 0000419975).  VCM’s registered
address and principal place of business is
Unit 507, Level 5, Index Tower
DIFC, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
VCM is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (Reference No. F006487). Further details are available
VCM provides wholesale broking services to institutional and professional clients. VCM does not deal with any party
classed as a Retail Client. Information on this website is provided for information purposes only.

Terms Of Use

By accessing VCM’s website you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms.
VCM does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information contained on this website nor does it
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Nothing on this website should be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial
instruments. The information should not serve as the basis of any investment decision, nor is it intended to create
contractual obligations between you and VCM.
While the information displayed in this website is derived from sources believed to be reliable, VCM does not
guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Where possible the source of any information used will be identified. VCM
does not accept any liability whatsoever for loss or damage arising from the use of this website. VCM may add to,
delete from, or modify this website at any time at its sole discretion.
If you follow any hyperlinks contained within this website, they will take you to independent sites which are subject
to their own terms. VCM does not take any responsibility for the content of these sites.

Cookie Policy

VCM does not utilise cookies. This applies to this website and any mobile applications. If you have any questions
regarding this please feel free to email

WARNING: Fraudulent news in Chinese media and unauthorized use of VCM name.